How Divorce Impacts Your Addiction Recovery Journey

“I don’t think people shop around enough for their therapists,” says Kessler. Living in an environment made unstable by drug or alcohol use can create behavioral, emotional and health problems. Addiction is often referred to as a family disease, due to the way it negatively impacts the addicted person’s loved one. This impact can be acutely felt within the landscape of a marriage.

That is likely to mean that drinking and drug use will need to stop and the problems in the relationship will need to be identified and addressed. If you or your partner are showing signs of having a problem with drugs or alcohol and there are problems in the relationship, it is common to hope these things will take care of themselves over time. The better thing to do is to get treatment as soon as possible, or at least call and ask about treatments that may be available to you. Codependency – Codependency occurs when a person become behaviorally addicted to helping and caring for someone with an addiction. Here, the partner becomes so invested in being the caretaker or provider that they simply don’t know who they are without it.

Our Accreditations, Certifications & Partnerships

If you maintained a relationship with your counselor in rehab, this person already knows your story – making it that much easier to help you. No matter what anyone tells you – divorce is like a death in how it affects your life. You’ve lost a life you once knew, a partner you once loved, and you will grieve this loss for a long time.

Take the first step toward addiction treatment by contacting us today. If you’d like to know more of the story of our alcoholic marriage and our progress in relationship recovery, please divorce after sobriety download our new e-book, He’s Sober. This time, my apologies weren’t reminders of my inability to control my drinking. They weren’t promises that I’d make the same mistakes again.

How Do Addiction and Divorce Settlements Relate?

That includes continuing care programs that help you avoid a substance relapse even in the most trying circumstances. At Silver Lining Recovery, we believe that treatment should be a partnership. That’s why we help clients from all walks of life find lasting recovery with a customized approach that’s tailored to their individual needs, preferences, and recovery goals. In addition to traditional therapy, it’s time to think about other forms of self-care to keep you focused and healthy. Yoga, journaling, exercising, listening to music, and meditation are great additions to traditional therapy. So, if it’s a divorce you’re dealing with, writing may be a bad idea.

divorce after sobriety

This blog explores the journey of strength and recovery through the lens of those who have walked this path, highlighting the courage it takes to face such emotional upheaval without the crutch of substances. I’ve found statistics that indicate a 20% increase in divorce rate for couples dealing with alcoholism in the marriage. The overall divorce rate in the United States is roughly 50%, and it makes sense that addiction to alcohol adds significant challenges for couples to overcome in order to stay together. Along with infidelity and domestic violence, substance abuse is commonly reported as one of the most common “final straws” among people in the United States who seek divorce.

If Your Spouse Is Still Struggling With Addiction

Professional help may also be necessary as you work to rebuild your relationship. You can also write letters to one another as you learn to communicate openly, honestly, and lovingly again. Some tough subjects may be difficult for you to talk about or may result in constant interruption and arguments. As you express yourself through writing, it’ll gradually become easier to express yourself verbally as well. You may want to agree to a system that will help you rebuild trust, like promising to always call your spouse if you’ll be home late. Once you agree to a system, be sure to consistently honor it.

divorce after sobriety

Forcing myself to face my fears before bed helped to keep me asleep longer but it never shut down my brain completely. The more you work on yourself, the better your relationships will be with your kids, colleagues, friends, and others. And as distracted as you are with your efforts to live in sobriety, you might occasionally feel panicked. Sometimes being served with a Complaint for Divorce is the necessary wake up call for a spouse to take sobriety seriously.

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